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Forest Hills Summer School 2024 - Math Enrichment - Grades 5/6

Grade Level:  Grades 5 and 6

Description:  This course is designed to support students working above grade level during the academic year. Students will strengthen their math skills through higher level thinking with concept building activities, problem-solving and motivating math games.

Dates:      June 3-June 28, 2024  (no school June 19)

Time:        10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.  (session cancelled due to low enrollment)

Cost:         $180**

Location:   Wilson Elementary School, 2465 Little Dry Run Road

**Convenience Fee Notice:  This method of paying online is provided to you for your convenience. If you proceed to check out, you will be charged a convenience fee. The fee is based upon the amount of the transaction. This fee is added to the total charge of the transaction.

Please register early as classes fill quickly.  Courses without adequate enrollment may be cancelled. No refunds will be issued unless a class is cancelled by Forest Hills School District.

Wilson Elementary School
2465 Little Dry Run Road
Cincinnati,OH 45244
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